
The Enlightened Lawyer: Overcoming Stress and Creating Balance

You’ve already been at the office for nine hours. The senior partner is on your case about a research memo you haven’t had a chance to begin. That difficult client who insists on calling several times a week to complain about everything under the sun is at it again. Oh, and you’ve got a brief […]

Compassion Fatigue: The Price We Pay as Professional Problem Solvers

Most of us decided to go to law school because we had a passion for justice and helping people. While we may not think of the legal profession as a traditional helping profession like we typically think of social work, the reality is that we serve in a primary helping capacity. Clients are in distress, […]

How I Almost Became Another Lawyer Who Killed Himself 

The legal profession has a problem. Lawyers are suffering and, far too often, they are taking their own lives. Lawyers, as a group, are 3.6 times more likely to suffer from depression than the average person. A John Hopkins study found that of 104 occupations, lawyers were the most likely to suffer depression. Further, according […]

Stuck? Take a Quick Inventory

Social scientists have researched and examined the relationship between material well-being and emotional well-being or happiness. For most of the world, greater levels of material wealth have led to greater levels of perceived emotional well-being—most everywhere, that is, but in the United States. (The Atlantic, January/February 2003). In the United States, the total numbers of […]

You Can Trust That Assistance is Confidential and Reliable

The legal profession is a helping profession. Most days lawyers find themselves trying to solve problems for their clients. We are paid to have answers and to fix situations that have gone awry. One of the difficulties for professionals who are supposed to have the answers for others is that it is difficult for them […]

Anger and Alcohol

Recently I was speaking at a CLE program about lawyers, and chemical addiction. I talked about the need to understand the signals one gets from the dashboard of the physical/mental/emotional vehicle that we call the self. After the program I talked with a lawyer who told me that the only emotion he was aware of […]

Anger The Drug

“Anger is liquor to the “dry drunk” alcoholic.  Once anger comes in, just like alcohol, it has to wear itself out; it goes through the body just like liquor.”  These were the words of a PALS volunteer to me recently.  They struck home.  I have been working with lawyers and judges dealing with alcohol issues […]

AA and the Question of Anonymity

Some time ago, I had the opportunity to have an e-mail discussion about anonymity with a law student who was trying to decide whether he should disclose information about being an alcoholic and in recovery in connection with applying for a judicial clerkship. The conversation got me thinking about how we deal with this time-honored […]

Becoming a Better Lawyer: Identifying Addiction

“It’s just coke that you smoke,” the dealer said. “It’s direct.” John drew on the pipe and blasted off into the ecstatic edge of consciousness. This was John’s escape from the problems, as well as the responsibilities, of his practice and his relationships. Although it was not John’s intent to become addicted, he did. Within […]

Demystifying 12-Step Programs

If you are bewildered by the workings of 12-step programs but think that you or someone you know might benefit from one, this article is dedicated to you.  If someone (or more than one person) has recommended that you check out a 12-step program but you don’t think that you have an addictive or compulsive […]

Good Mental Health and the Lawyer’s Gift

“The gift is to the giver, and comes back most to him — it cannot fail”   –Walt Whitman. In a recent speech in Laramie Wyoming, Supreme Court Justice Sandra Day O’Connor noted that job dissatisfaction among lawyers was widespread, profound, and growing.  She added that attorneys are more than three times as likely to suffer […]


If Professor Daniel Gilbert is right, then you are wrong to believe that a new car will make you as happy as you imagine it will.  You are wrong to believe that finally getting that big case in will make you as happy for as long as you might imagine.  On the other hand, if […]