12-step programs

Healthy Relationships as Alternative Medicine

What is alternative about alternative medicine? Increasingly we note that main stream pharmaceutical companies are mass producing and selling the most popular herbal remedies such as St. John’s Wort and echinacea-goldenseal. Acupuncture is now covered by some insurance companies for certain medical problems. Recently, I was at an addictions conference and a former medical school […]

Cave Paintings, Substance Abuse and Lawyers

One of the most dramatic struggles in pre-history recorded in the Bible and myths of old was the conflict between the old order of hunter-gatherers and the new order of farmers. Gradually of course the farmers won, but not entirely. In a way the struggle still goes on in the neurochemistry of our brains. And […]

Demystifying 12-Step Programs

If you are bewildered by the workings of 12-step programs but think that you or someone you know might benefit from one, this article is dedicated to you.  If someone (or more than one person) has recommended that you check out a 12-step program but you don’t think that you have an addictive or compulsive […]