LAP Steering Committee
The LAP Steering Committee is a volunteer leadership committee. It was formed in 2012 when the former PALS and FRIENDS subcommittees combined into one committee. LAP Steering Committee members are all active LAP volunteers from across the state and are appointed by the LAP Director. The Steering Committee is composed of 2 volunteers (a member and an alternate) from each of the LAP meetings across the state as well as 2 members at large from each region (West, Piedmont and East).
The LAP Steering Committee selects projects and initiatives that it deems important to the function or direction of the LAP. Subcommittees to date include:
- Marketing and Outreach
- Publications
- 12-Step Retreat
Given that this is a dynamic group with evolving priorities, the latest developments will be posted to this website annually as part of the annual reporting process. Check the LAP annual report page for the latest updates.
Initiatives during the inaugural year (2012-2013) have resulted in:
Marketing and Outreach Subcommittee
This subcommittee began a law school initiative back in 2015. Through the considerable efforts of each law school liaison and temporary LAP staffer Tom Roman, LAP now holds office hours two or three times each semester at five of our six law schools. LAP also participates in several student orientations and wellness programs through out the academic year. The goal is to find opportunities to connect with law students in meaningful ways so that they will understand some of the issues lawyers face and learn about LAP and the resources available.
This subcommittee also arranged to have LAP be the official provider of the “Work-Life Balance” hour of the Professionalism for New Admittees Program, a mandatory 12-Hour CLE for all newly admitted attorneys. Volunteers have been trained for consistent programming and began speaking at these CLE events in May of 2013.
Publications Subcommittee
This subcommittee initiated Sidebar, a quarterly e-newsletter distributed to LAP volunteers, LAP clients, State Bar Councilors, State Bar staff, and any other lawyers who would like to receive it. Distribution launched in the Fall of 2013 with over 1,000 subscribers and as of 2020 we have over 2,300 subscribers. We also send a “best of” Statewide edition to all North Carolina lawyers in January. The Publications Subcommittee solicits article submissions, drafts content and is responsible for the final editorial content of the Sidebar. This subcommittee also works on soliciting and drafting articles for the quarterly State Bar Journal. And this committee assisted with content on the new website.
12-Step Retreat Subcommittee
This subcommittee revived the annual 12-step retreat, which had not been held in many years. The goal of a 12-step retreat is to engage participants in reflective individual and group exercises that deepen their recovery and understanding of themselves. The initial re-launch of the retreat was held in Kanuga in March of 2014 and was a phenomenal success. This subcommittee plans, organizes and hosts the event. They look for retreat facilitators from across the country who bring a dynamic and engaging perspective to a 12-step retreat. Many of our clients and volunteers who do not have a substance abuse issue have attended this program and participated because the steps offer amazing insight for anyone in a self-reflective recovery process.