NCLAP Sidebar

One of the symptoms of an approaching nervous breakdown is the belief that one's work is terribly important.
—Bertrand Russell,
The Conquest of Happiness

Message from the Director

For our second annual statewide edition of Sidebar, we’ve selected some of our favorite articles from past editions. Read More

Boots and Reboots

I manage a lot, at work and home. But I am not always great at managing stress. I don’t see that I am over tired, overworked, or overwhelmed until I snap at someone or overreact. I don’t know that I need to reboot until the computer crashes. Recently though, I stumbled across an unlikely solution. It helps me reduce my reaction to stress before reaching Vesuvius territory. Surprisingly, this physically difficult, filthy, out-of-my-comfort-zone activity really clicked with me. Read More

Someone Dimed Me Out!

I’m here because somebody, maybe somebody reading this, dimed me out. Threw me under the bus. Lied about me to the authorities. Said I was drunk in court. The truth is, I have never been drunk in court: yet. Read More

Practice Perspectives

It’s all in how you look at it, as this lawyer eloquently illustrates. You may never view your law practice quite the same again. Read More

Busy is a Sickness

I began to notice how much of my rushing was an overreaction to my "awfulizing" in my head. Read Article

Mindful Moment

Getting unstuck is a tangible benefit that often comes from practicing mindfulness. Try this tip the next time you feel stuck. Read More

Something to Consider

Thanks, Robert Frost by David Ray

Do you have hope for the future?
someone asked Robert Frost, toward the end.
Yes, and even for the past, he replied,
that it will turn out to have been all right
for what it was, something we can accept,
mistakes made by the selves we had to be,
not able to be, perhaps, what we wished,
or what looking back half the time it seems
we could so easily have been, or ought...
The future, yes, and even for the past,
that it will become something we can bear.
And I too, and my children, so I hope,
will recall as not too heavy the tug
of those albatrosses I sadly placed
upon their tender necks. Hope for the past,
yes, old Frost, your words provide that courage,
and it brings strange peace that itself passes
into past, easier to bear because
you said it, rather casually, as snow
went on falling in Vermont years ago.

Upcoming Events - LAP Related

Feb. 23, 2018
Minority Outreach Conference
Durham, NC
(online registration will be sent early January)

Upcoming Events - Community Based
(not LAP sponsored; a clearing house of information for recovery related events around the state)

Renewal Center of the South
Current Retreat Schedule

Submissions to the Sidebar are Welcome

See guidelines for submissions

Annual Report

View the 2016-2017 Annual Report
NCLAP Sidebar