NCLAP Sidebar

“Sometimes our light goes out but is blown again into instant flame by an encounter with another human being. ”

—Albert Schweitzer

A Defense Attorney’s Perspective: Then and Now

So much of this lawyer’s perception of her role as a public defender was tied up in unconscious motivations that she began to uncover in her recovery from depression. Not all defenders feel as she did, and not all defenders choose that line of work for the reasons she did. But for those who have, her story can shed some light on the unconscious motivations some experience that can cause depression and prolonged suffering. Read more.

This article is also a featured Sidebar Podcast episode, A Defense Attorney’s Perspective: Then and Now. (Plus bonus content about her books, as she is an author.) Listen here.

Medicating Away Someone Else’s Crazy

Through recovery, this lawyer has learned to detach from other people’s chaotic or toxic behavior. Rather than getting sucked in and being tied up in knots by it, this lawyer stays relatively centered and calm, and no longer needs to medicate away someone else’s crazy. Read more.

Practice Perspective

This lawyer’s journey has been not so much learning how to say no, as learning how to pause and not automatically say yes. Read more.

Mindful Moment

Master Your Mind with Mantra

A mantra is a word, phrase, or sound that is repeated either aloud or silently to focus the mind. The word mantra means “mind tool.” Read more.

This Mindful Moment is also a featured podcast episode: Five-Minute Procrastination Buster. Listen here.

Something to Consider

When you make decisions based on what you value most, you usually make the right decisions. When you are out of alignment with what you value most, it almost always leads to self-sabotage. 

- Paul Colaianni

LAP is Hiring

As many of you have heard, our beloved Susie will be retiring at the end of August. We are beginning the search for her successor. If you know a paralegal or admin who might be a good fit, we’d sure appreciate you helping get the word out. Read more.

Upcoming Events - LAP Related

There is nothing scheduled at this time.

Upcoming Events - Community Based
(not LAP sponsored; a clearing house of information for recovery related events around the state)

Renewal Center of the South
Current Retreat Schedule

Submissions to the Sidebar are Welcome

See guidelines for submissions

LAP Annual Report

View the Annual Report
NCLAP Sidebar