Message from the Director
Welcome to the “Best Of” Pandemic Sidebar, where you can find our most popular pandemic related pieces that received the most clicks when we first started sending pandemic issues of Sidebar. We hope you find the tools and resources helpful. LAP remains open for business. Help is only a phone call or email away (followed up with a Zoom, of course).
Coping with Uncertainty
Cancer literature highlights a successful approach to living life with perpetual uncertainty. Our usual problem-solving approach wastes precious energy in such a circumstance, and lawyers must learn to incorporate some different ways of thinking. Read More
Mindful Moment
Laura Mahr details a few simple ways we can unpack our overwhelming stress, fear, and the avalanche of emotional response to the Pandemic, and end up in a more rational, responsive state. Read More
One Day at a Time
Right now, the slogan “One Day at a Time” is my lifeline. In the midst of this coronavirus crisis, so much of it can feel overwhelming—the fear, the unmanageability, the uncertainty. Read More
Pause When Agitated or Doubtful
It often seems that the "default setting" for working lawyers is "frenetic"—we are champions at multitasking. Wheeling and dealing gets our blood pumping and our adrenaline flowing and, while we may sometimes complain about the workload, many of us find it to be part of our identity. And now...Read More
Exercises for Getting Present
Recently, I learned a new technique for focusing on the present from the American Association of Cardiovascular and Pulmonary Rehabilitation as part of my recovery from open heart surgery. It is called 5-4-3-2-1 Grounding, and I have more success with it than traditional meditation. Read More
The Serenity Prayer
While living in this shared global anxiety attack, the Serenity Prayer is a great tool to help keep me as sane and grounded as possible. Read More
How the Wisdom of 12-Step Programs Can Help Us with COVID-19
People in recovery are not the only ones who benefit from the tools of 12 step programs. Psychology Today highlights how recovery tools can help everyone handle the uncertainty and unique challenges the pandemic poses. Read More
On Coronavirus Lockdown? Look for Meaning, Not Happiness
Viktor Frankl coined the term tragic optimism to describe the ability to maintain hope and find meaning in experiences despite dire circumstances—a strategy resulting in resilience rather than fatigue. Read More
How to Not Say the Wrong Thing
The ring theory is very helpful for knowing how to interact with the bereaved. Read More
That same ring theory can guide us in what to say (or not say) to our friends and fellows in the health care field. Read More
Something to Consider
And I know what I have to do now. I’ve got to keep breathing. Because tomorrow, the sun will rise. Who knows what the tide could bring? – From Cast Away (2000) |