Third Step
Third Step Prayer
We’ve all had conversations in our head, sometimes committee discussions! They can be destructive and many of us tried to shut them down in unhealthy ways. I did. Then, in recovery, it was suggested I say this prayer every morning as part of my morning routine. I’m still praying it.
It’s a conversation of sorts, in my head but also from my heart. My higher self (I’m no psychologist so this may be a misnomer) speaks to my higher power (HP) and offers my whole self that day for the work my HP wants me to do. My higher self also speaks to my ego and says: it’s ok. Stand down. We are to be of service today.
And who knows what form that service will take? It may be listening to another person who is anxious or lonely. A text telling someone I’m thinking of them. Maybe just doing my job the best I can. Could even be relaxing and not beating myself up for failure to be productive. However the day plays out, I’m in service to my HP. If I’m unclear about what that means for me, I’ll call my sponsor or a trusted friend for guidance. And at the end of the day, I find gratitude. It is always there if I look for it.