
Relationship Intensity Syndrome

One of the great tragedies of alcoholism is the effect it has on so many others, particularly children.  Children growing up in an alcoholic family are apt to suffer from an alcohol induced relationship intensity syndrome.  Growing up in alcoholism, the child often develops an exaggerated need for emotional support in a primary relationship. The […]

The Pursuit of Happiness

” . . . [H]appiness cannot be pursued; it must ensue as the unintended side-effect of one’s personal dedication to a course greater than oneself.” – Victor Frankel Thomas Jefferson’s phrase has long resonated in the minds of Americans.  But only recently has there been extensive research on what makes people happy.  For many years, […]

There’s Happiness in Healthy Relationships

Recently social scientists have taken a look at the relationship between material well-being and emotional well-being or happiness.  For most of the world, greater levels of material wealth have led to greater levels of perceived emotional well-being, most everywhere, that is, but in the United States.  (The Atlantic, January/February 2003) In the United States, those defining […]