NCLAP Sidebar

“Intelligence has nothing to do with wisdom.”

—Shared at a meeting

Imposter Syndrome Podcast

New Water’s podcast guest, Nicki Ellington, LAP’s Raleigh-based counselor, provides insight and strategies for dealing with the single most common issue lawyers and judges face: imposter syndrome. Watch/listen here.

50 Lessons for Happy Lawyers

In this podcast episode, we interview Nora Rivas, co-author of the 50 Lessons book series. The lessons in the book provide a jumping off point for deeper study and each is aligned with our well-being mission at NC LAP. Ms. Rivas is a consultant in the well-being space. She offers coaching, CLE, and law firm consulting. Listen here.

Practice Perspective

Blindsided by a client at a crucial inflection point, this attorney immediately turned his attention to what was within his control, providing a powerful demonstration of the Serenity Prayer in action. Read more.

Mindful Moment

Grabbing an anchor is a simple yet effective tool to release us from our reactive survival strategies and return us to feeling and acting like our best selves. Read more.

This Mindful Moment is also a featured podcast episode: Feeling Adrift? Grab an Anchor! Listen here.

Burnout and Steps Toward Recovery

Many lawyers have developed a quasi-religious faith in work as a source of not only security, stability, and material comfort, but of identity, fulfilment, prestige, happiness, purpose, and meaning. And yet we are doing so at a time of great economic, political, and technological volatility…So, when we give it 110% and it fails to yield the desired results, many of us take that as a deep personal failing—even if it’s not really our fault. For many, no matter the achievement, there is a pattern: obsession, adrenaline, numbness. This is not a phenomenon cured by a long weekend or even a lengthy sabbatical. It requires a reorientation of our lives and our jobs. Read more.

Something to Consider

What we forget, faithwise, in our fear, is that even in the darkest night, when we see no light at all, the light is still there. The sun is still shining over Earth even when our side of Earth rotates away from it. The stars still shine above us, no thick the clouds above our heads. What we need in the darkest nights is to keep walking along the path until we can glimpse the stars again. What we don’t need is to panic and run blindly into the woods.

—Otis Moss III

Upcoming Events - LAP Related

LAP Annual Conference
Nov. 3-5, 2023
Wilmington, NC
Invitations late August

Upcoming Events - Community Based
(not LAP sponsored; a clearing house of information for recovery related events around the state)

Renewal Center of the South
Current Retreat Schedule

Submissions to the Sidebar are Welcome

See guidelines for submissions

LAP Annual Report

View the Annual Report
NCLAP Sidebar