NCLAP Sidebar

"The secret to change is to focus all of your energy not on fighting the old but on building the new."


What Do You Think I Should Do?

When in first grade, this lawyer grabbed an ax and chopped up a second-place trophy. Quick to anger, he discovered in recovery that alcohol was not his problem, it was his solution. He was the problem. Read more.

Admitting Fear as a First Step to Overcoming It

This lawyer has found great relief and has begun overcoming paralyzing fears by using the same simple process learned in early recovery from alcoholism: admitting it out loud to someone else. Read more.

Mindful Moment

The number of adjustments we have been forced to make during the pandemic is almost incomprehensible to our brains and nervous systems. While we may have successfully adapted in countless ways, our nervous systems are not used to making so many changes all at once in such a short period of time; we may need some time to catch up and integrate what happened. Here are seven ways to integrate change. Read more.

Podcast Alert: The Human Lawyer Interview with Robynn Moraites

Robynn Moraites, director of NC LAP, was featured as a recent guest on The Human Lawyer podcast. Check it out.

Brain Study Reveals One Type of Exercise Increases Stress Resilience

More neuroscience research on how regular (3x/week), hard aerobic exercise increases resilience to stress. Read more.

Something to Consider

"We all have a story that helps us make sense of the world. Even if the story doesn't make sense and even if the story isn't true, you hold onto the story. It defines and comforts you even if it doesn't serve you or propel you forward…In order learn something new, you have to admit that you didn't know it, or were wrong about it, or need something new. This is not an easy thing for adults. As Dr. Thomas Szasz observes, 'Every act of conscious learning requires the willingness to suffer an injury to one's self-esteem [or ego identity]. That is why young children before they are aware of their own self-importance learn so easily; and why older persons, especially if vain or important, cannot learn at all.'" – Stephen Chandler, The Story of You

Upcoming Events - LAP Related

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Upcoming Events - Community Based
(not LAP sponsored; a clearing house of information for recovery related events around the state)

Renewal Center of the South
Current Retreat Schedule

Submissions to the Sidebar are Welcome

See guidelines for submissions

Annual Report

View the 2019-2020 Annual Report
NCLAP Sidebar