Worry never robs tomorrow of its sorrow; it only saps today of its strength.
—A. J. Cronin
“O full of scorpions is my mind"
How one attorney faces their struggles and discovers they did not have to live out a tragedy. Read More
“People take the anonymity thing very seriously. I personally believe that it is not because of some high-minded adherence to the principle of anonymity, but because of a deep-seated internal sense of shame and fear of lost opportunity.” Read More
Practice Perspectives
"I decided to put my career goals above everything else, oftentimes neglecting my personal life altogether. As a result, I was completely miserable. If I was to overcome my exhaustion and fatigue, I knew something had to change." Read More
Epidemic of Lawyer Suicide
One by one, state by state, bar associations say the tally is rising: lawyers are killing themselves in higher and higher numbers. Sadly, North Carolina ranks among the top. Read Article from CNN
Why So Many Lawyer Suicides?
Is it nurture or nature? According to this author it is a bit of both – aspects of the legal profession itself and the personality traits of those who are drawn to the profession can both contribute to the high rate of depression. It's up to the profession to acknowledge the problem and provide support. Read Article from CNN
Something to Consider
Stranded in Another Time
Some of us spend so much time thinking about what could (or “should”) have been or done, dreaming about what could (or “should”) be down the road, or thinking obsessively about our next step in a case or strategy, that today passes us right by without us even noticing it. It is so easy to get caught up in our legal careers, our next step on the ladder, our hopes for our children, all our myriad strategies, plans, and designs (or those instances in life that did not conform to our myriad strategies, plans, and designs), that we completely lose touch with what is actually happening today, right in front of us.
Part of healthy living is realizing and noticing when our minds have run amok. Instead of getting lost in our mental activity of past and future, worry, and endless planning, let’s work to come back to today. Instead of letting our thought life control us, let’s stop a minute and notice when it is happening. Then set aside a specific time to figure out that next step. Then let’s come back to the here and now.
Am I living in today? Am I living in this moment or another one?
Living in the future or the past prevents us from enjoying today.